Fauve Pixelation, 2024
Fauve Pixelation, 2024

oil on canvas, 42"x44"

REvisited, 2024
REvisited, 2024

oil on canvas, 45"x42.5"

Subway, 2024
Subway, 2024

oil on canvas, 24"x42"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych, left side, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych, left side, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x44"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych, right side, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych, right side, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x44"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych 1, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x88" (2) canvases

Imagined Landscape 1, 2024
Imagined Landscape 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Octagram, Victory of Light Over Darkness, 2024
Octagram, Victory of Light Over Darkness, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Gilbert + George, 2024
Homage to Gilbert + George, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Imagined Landscape 3, 2024
Imagined Landscape 3, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Matisse, 2024
Homage to Matisse, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Earth Pixelatiing, 2024
Earth Pixelatiing, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Orange Moon, 2023
Orange Moon, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Water Imagined, 2023
Water Imagined, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Water Imagined 1, 2023 SOLD
Water Imagined 1, 2023 SOLD

oil on canvas, 94”x74”

Water Imagined in a Landscape, 2023 SOLD
Water Imagined in a Landscape, 2023 SOLD

oil on canvas, 50”x90”

Aerial View 1, 2024
Aerial View 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x42"

Aerial View 2, 2024
Aerial View 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x42"

Pixelation in a Landscape, 2024
Pixelation in a Landscape, 2024

oil on canvas, 42”x44”

Atlantis, 2024
Atlantis, 2024

oil on canvas, 44”x42”

Aegean Sea 1, 2023
Aegean Sea 1, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Aegean Sea 2, 2023
Aegean Sea 2, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 1, 2024
Spring 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 2, 2024
Spring 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 4, 2024
Spring 4, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 3, 2024
Spring 3, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Monet, 2023
Homage to Monet, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Four from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Untitle 1, 2023
Untitle 1, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Untitled 2, 2023
Untitled 2, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Untitled 3, 2023
Untitled 3, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Imagined Landscape 2, 2024
Imagined Landscape 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Building A Painting, 2023
Building A Painting, 2023

acrylic on plastic drop, 66"x50"

Green Blue Water Land, 2023
Green Blue Water Land, 2023

oil on canvas, 42"x44"

Diptych, Bloomsbury Inspired, 2018, SOLD
Diptych, Bloomsbury Inspired, 2018, SOLD

oil on wood panel, 48”x34”

Ikat, Blue Taupe, 2023
Ikat, Blue Taupe, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Two from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Wavey Maze, 2023
Wavey Maze, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Three from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Matrix 1, 2023
Matrix 1, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

Matrix 2, 2023
Matrix 2, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

Wavey Maze 2, 2023
Wavey Maze 2, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”

Wavey Maze 3, 2023
Wavey Maze 3, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

Fauve Pixelation, 2024
REvisited, 2024
Subway, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych, left side, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych, right side, 2024
Ethereal Landscape Diptych 1, 2024
Imagined Landscape 1, 2024
Octagram, Victory of Light Over Darkness, 2024
Homage to Gilbert + George, 2024
Imagined Landscape 3, 2024
Homage to Matisse, 2024
Earth Pixelatiing, 2024
Orange Moon, 2023
Water Imagined, 2023
Water Imagined 1, 2023 SOLD
Water Imagined in a Landscape, 2023 SOLD
Aerial View 1, 2024
Aerial View 2, 2024
Pixelation in a Landscape, 2024
Atlantis, 2024
Aegean Sea 1, 2023
Aegean Sea 2, 2023
Spring 1, 2024
Spring 2, 2024
Spring 4, 2024
Spring 3, 2024
Homage to Monet, 2023
Untitle 1, 2023
Untitled 2, 2023
Untitled 3, 2023
Imagined Landscape 2, 2024
Building A Painting, 2023
Green Blue Water Land, 2023
Diptych, Bloomsbury Inspired, 2018, SOLD
Ikat, Blue Taupe, 2023
Wavey Maze, 2023
Matrix 1, 2023
Matrix 2, 2023
Wavey Maze 2, 2023
Wavey Maze 3, 2023
Fauve Pixelation, 2024

oil on canvas, 42"x44"

REvisited, 2024

oil on canvas, 45"x42.5"

Subway, 2024

oil on canvas, 24"x42"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych, left side, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x44"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych, right side, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x44"

Ethereal Landscape Diptych 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x88" (2) canvases

Imagined Landscape 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Octagram, Victory of Light Over Darkness, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Gilbert + George, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Imagined Landscape 3, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Matisse, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Earth Pixelatiing, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Orange Moon, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Water Imagined, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Water Imagined 1, 2023 SOLD

oil on canvas, 94”x74”

Water Imagined in a Landscape, 2023 SOLD

oil on canvas, 50”x90”

Aerial View 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x42"

Aerial View 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 48"x42"

Pixelation in a Landscape, 2024

oil on canvas, 42”x44”

Atlantis, 2024

oil on canvas, 44”x42”

Aegean Sea 1, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Aegean Sea 2, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 1, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 4, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Spring 3, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Homage to Monet, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Four from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Untitle 1, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Untitled 2, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Untitled 3, 2023

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Imagined Landscape 2, 2024

oil on canvas, 44"x42"

Building A Painting, 2023

acrylic on plastic drop, 66"x50"

Green Blue Water Land, 2023

oil on canvas, 42"x44"

Diptych, Bloomsbury Inspired, 2018, SOLD

oil on wood panel, 48”x34”

Ikat, Blue Taupe, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Two from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Wavey Maze, 2023

oil/canvas, 44”x42”, Three from a new series of unrelated paintings.

Matrix 1, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

Matrix 2, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

Wavey Maze 2, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”

Wavey Maze 3, 2023

oil/canvas, 18”x20”,

show thumbnails