Edited 11/10/20
Some artists stick to an idea or way of working over the course of their lives. Managing to make a huge body of work that has a thread of relates somehow. I used to think I would not have that continuity but that is just negative thinking and comparing my life and situation to others. Or listening to what someone with a degree has declared is the definition of success. My work and life has been the other, straddling representational and abstract ideas. With constant voices in my head telling me, Do one thing well. Instead of the Reality that many have had long careers having varied visions. Today I have accepted that my vision and work may not be the same clear path but that does not make my journey any less interesting. To the contrary, I love to draw and find color relationships very satisfying and the connection to my abstract and representational work feels closer today than in the past, maybe just maturity, or acceptance. And run-on sentences are the thing.
MP, November 2016, oil on canvas, 9x12.
MP, Interior at Madoo, 11/19/16, charcoal on paper, 24"x18", Madoo Paints taught by Eric Dever #madooconservancy
MP, Yucca from memory, November 2016, acrylic on paper, 14x11