Hello. Just to refresh, Flat File Friday refers to the file of small works, usually “Works on Paper” that almost All Artists have. Their Inventory, Archive, Loot. Works on paper are generally more affordable and a great way for a beginning collector to start. And on the Internet the hashtag #flatfilefriday which Galleries and Artists use for promotion.
Over the last couple of days I’ve made some new 15”x11” acrylic works on paper continuing explorations of pattern in painting specifically a woven pattern. And have recently revised some abstract, oil on board, small works that were started before leaving for Miami in late 2021. While in Miami and working exclusively in Acrylics for three months I learned more about the medium and the flexibility of it. Matching with acrylics what I can with oil paint as far as palette is exciting for sure.
I have been contemplating this new group of sixteen, prepped 24”x24” canvases and now have a plan that incorporates ideas of older works and my recent approach to painting so very excited am I. Looking back to 2015 and a series of eight Garden (see two below) inspired works that have all sold. I will revisit that idea with some changes, revisions, updates! Incorporating the mark making of my recent acrylic on paper, small works. Bringing me back to the mantra “Paintings Come From Painting” …staying open to chance and thinking about what has worked, expanding on those ideas will always bring results.
Another difference in this new group is that the original group titled “Garden Series” were painted un-stretched which hampered me at the point of editing. Going forward I will painted on stretched canvas where the borders are defined or have lines drawn defining the borders at the onset. Without clearly defined borders the risk of good parts getting lost in the stretching is great. There I think I got that point across. The two paintings below are Garden Series works referred to.
Green Garden, Series 2, 2015, oil/canvas, 24”x24”
Blue Garden, Water Series, 3, 2015, oil/cnavas, 24”x24”